C. F. Bentley
Within a space opera landscape, H armony explores the spirituality of a different human culture bound by a rigid caste system. Laudae Sissy, the new H igh Priestess of the world called H armony, reaches across all seven castes of her society, seeking a new unity that will protect their isolation from the rest of the galaxy. But other cultures and races are testing their borders, searching for the most valuable commodity in civilized space. Sissy's quest leads her through a quagmire of human motivations in search of a new understanding of life upon H armony's Path.

Book Details


  • Adventure
  • Science Fiction

Age Level: 

  • 12 and up
Profile Picture

Sissy is just an ordinary girl, one who works in an ordinary factory. In fact, everything is ordinary about her. She has dark skin and dark hair. She is a normal worker, except for the six extra caste marks on her cheek. Each person on the planet harmony has a caste mark that distinguishes him or her among society. And when the ruler, Laude Gregor finds out about this, he elevates Sissy to High Priestess in order to soothe the God Harmony's distress. But he does not foresee the trouble she may cause, as well as the change she may bring about.

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