Wicked Circle
Wicked Circle (Persephone Alcmedi)
Wicked Circle
Linda Robertson
Is a little time alone with the man you love too much to ask?Well, it may be—when you’re Persephone Alcmedi, Lustrata of the witches, and your lover is Domn Lup of the wærewolves. For once, however, the disturbance is not Seph’s foster daughter, Beverly, her wacky grandmother, or her newly rediscovered mother. This time, it’s the ancient and incredibly sexy vampire Menessos, bearing bad news: because the vampire council fears he is plotting a power grab, Menessos is being hunted by a trio of truth-seeking vampire sisters so dangerous they are usually kept locked in stone.His dreams imperiled, Menessos needs Seph more than ever . . . and she needs him. Now, Seph has magical promises to fulfill for the wæres, multiple mundane family challenges to meet, vampire politics to confront . . . and into the bargain she’s balancing two sexy supernatural males. It’s enough to drive any woman insane, especially when you throw in a dragon and—even worse—a government investigator. As danger threatens, Seph isn’t sure she can stay alive for the rest of the day . . . let alone long enough to accomplish all that needs to be done.

Book Details


  • Fiction

Age Level: 

  • 12 and up
Profile Picture

Persephone Alcmedi is back and in more trouble than ever. Heldridge has escaped from Menessos's prisons, and he is on his way to reveal a very dangerous secret. Along with attempting to stop Heldridge, Seph is trying to support Johnny as he reveals himself to all waeres as the Domn Lup. With everyone vying for attention, Persephone goes through her largest struggles yet, worried about those around her. Can she manage to fix all the problems before it's too late, or will she go down with everyone else?

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