Wicked Circle review by KFCampbe
Wicked Circle (Persephone Alcmedi)
by Linda Robertson
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Fiction
Five Star Award

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 13
Reviewer's Location - Fresno, CA, United States
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Persephone Alcmedi is back and in more trouble than ever. Heldridge has escaped from Menessos's prisons, and he is on his way to reveal a very dangerous secret. Along with attempting to stop Heldridge, Seph is trying to support Johnny as he reveals himself to all waeres as the Domn Lup. With everyone vying for attention, Persephone goes through her largest struggles yet, worried about those around her. Can she manage to fix all the problems before it's too late, or will she go down with everyone else?


Seph is back in the fifth installment of the Persephone Alcmedi books, Wicked Circle. Linda Robertson has written another fantastic book about Persephone's struggles as the Lustrata. There were periods in the book where I felt like I was witnessing what actually happened. The imagery Robertson inserted into the book was very vivid, and it was some of her best work for this series. This book was full of romance, adventure, mystery, and suspense. By the way the book ended, I can only assume that there is to be a sixth book, and I know if there is, it is going to be just as great if not better than the others. I would recommend this book to mature high school readers.



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Content rating - mature content

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There is some sexual innuendo and sex scenes in the book. They can get pretty descriptive.

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