Julia Golding
Princess Taoshira of the Blue Crescent Islands is appalled when she is ordered to marry Prince Ramil of Gerfal in order to unite their lands. And he's not too pleased, either. They hate each other on sight. So, when Tashi and Ramil are kidnapped, they fear there's no escape - from their kidnappers or from each other. Can they put aside their differences long enough to survive ambush, unarmed combat, brainwashing, and imprisonment? And will the people they meet on their adventure help them or betray them to the enemy?

Book Details


  • Adventure
  • Fiction
  • Juvenile Fiction

Age Level: 

  • 12 and up
Profile Picture

Taoshira, or Tashi to her friends, was commonly known as the Fourth Crown Princess of the Blue Crescent Islands. Soon, however, she must marry Prince Ramil of Gerfal, and she doesn't want to leave her friends and family. She's not too keen on marrying a stranger, either. Upon arriving at Prince Ramil's palace, she finds he's every bit as rude as she imagined. Then the two get kidnapped by the enemy, Fergox. They fight their way out of his prison after being humiliated and tortured, but due to unforseen problems, Tashi and Ramil are separated on their way home.

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