Winter Duty
Winter Duty: A Novel of the Vampire Earth
Winter Duty
E.E. Knight
The cause of freedom in Kentucky balances on a knife-edge. Major David Valentine and his fugitive battalion are all that is left of an expeditionary force shattered in its long retreat from disaster in the Appalachians. Between a raging blizzard, the remnants of the brutal and fanatic Moondaggers - bands of headhunters kidnapping entire towns to sell to the Kurians - and the need to recover wounded soldiers lost during the retreat, Valentine is in for the toughest winter of his life.And Valentine is losing allies fast. Some of the clans in the region have declared themselves in favor of the Kurians, throwing Kentucky into civil war. But the Kurian overlords have determined that the region isn't worth the effort of another conquest. Their order: extermination. By whatever means necessary.

Book Details


  • Adventure
  • Fiction

Age Level: 

  • 12 and up
Profile Picture

Major Valentine still fights the Kurians in Kentucky. Except this time the fight is harder than ever before. Caught between politics and his foes Valentine will have to fight harder then ever to keep Kentucky into Kurian territory. People are getting more angry at Valentine. Will Valentine survive this winter or die to try to protect Kentucky?

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