Seeing Red
Seeing Red
Seeing Red
Anne Louise MacDonald
Frankie Uccello seems like just another fourteen-year-old boy -- Ace of Average, King of Common, Master of Middle. Everything he does has a tendency to turn out average. Even when Frankie dreams recurrently of flying, his father tells him that at least one in three people does this. He's perfectly normal, normal, normal. Or is he? When Frankie discovers something ominous about his dreams -- that he can dream the future, especially when something bad is about to happen -- he realizes that he might be talented, after all. But seeing the future was only cool in movies and TV. In real life, you're just a whacko. Besides, the future doesn't look good. One night Frankie dreams his best friend, Tim, falls from a horse. Is Tim going to be killed? Can Frankie save him? Something about the dream doesn't fit, and that something is Weird Maura-Lee, one of three people Frankie avoids like the plague. Maura-Lee can read minds, and she seems to be reading his.

Book Details


  • Adventure
  • Fantasy

Age Level: 

  • 12 and up
Profile Picture
Frankie Uccello is an average kid, in fact, in his 
opinion, he is a little too average. Until the night when 
Frankie has a dream, a red dream. Frankie dreams of a red 
rider falling off of a horse, it may be his best friend 
Tim. Frankie has been having these "color dreams" since he 
was young. These dreams are always of something that 
happens to occur in the next few days. At first, he 
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