Teen Girls Need L.O.V.E.
Teen Girls Need L.O.V.E.
Teen Girls Need L.O.V.E.
Teen Girls Need L.O.V.E. is suitable for the straight A student, the troubled teen, and the girl looking to be empowered. The goal is to transform our teens into successful women by giving them the tools needed to build their self confidence and self esteem. This book focuses on the hottest topics facing teens such as relationships, self esteem, bullying, the importance of education, and how to set goals. If guidance is what you need, Teen Girls Need L.O.V.E. is here to the rescue!

Book Details


  • Nonfiction

Age Level: 

  • 12 and up
Profile Picture

This non-fiction ebook is a sober read with a girly twist. Major obstacles that teen girls may encounter are juxtaposed with feminine fonts. While not every girl faces the problems of pregnancy, cutting, eating disorders, sexting, and low self-esteem, the book is still interesting. Most young readers will find teenage problems enticing and exotic to the literary eye, regardless of whether or not they can actually use said advice.

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