T4: A Novel
Ann Clare LeZotte
It is 1939. Paula Becker, thirteen years old and deaf, lives with her family in a rural German town. As rumors swirl of disabled children quietly disappearing, a priest comes to her family’s door with an offer to shield Paula from an uncertain fate. When the sanctuary he offers is fleeting, Paula needs to call upon all her strength to stay one step ahead of the Nazis.

Book Details


  • Adventure
  • Historical Fiction

Age Level: 

  • 12 and up
Profile Picture

This novel was about a young girl named, Paula. Paula is deaf, but is has created a type of sign laungage that she and her family and friends can understand. Paula life was in the time of Hitler, so because Paula was deaf she was in danger from a plan called T4. This plan was to murder all the people with problems. So Paula must flee from her town and family who understand her so well to stay alive.

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