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Sidekicks | LitPick Book Reviews
Mia Tagliaro was born with the ability to communicate with the dead, the reason her parents sent her to a weekend camp for kids with similar talents when she was just eight. With the help of seasoned clairvoyants, she learned that she wasn't a freak at all. There were lots of other people just like her, in particular a boy camper her age named TC, who got vibes from the living and the dead. By the end of their stay, Mia and TC had shared more than just secrets about their "sidekicks," their nickname for psychic abilities. They shared a first kiss and a vow they'd never lose touch. That was then. Now eighteen, Mia is quite comfortable in her skin and frequently passes along messages to the living from departed friends and family. She also helps the police with missing persons cases, loving the rush she gets when the lost are found. Though she hasn't heard from her first crush, TC, for nearly a decade, Mia still thinks of him. So it's quite a shock when they run into each other at a school dance. Tall, athletic, and definitely gorgeous, TC, who calls himself Cooper now, seems just as amazing as she remembers. Then he tells her that his sidekicks deserted him years ago and actually uses the word freak when talking about them. Even worse, he lies when he says they can be friends again. Just when Mia is ready to give up on him, the ghost of Cooper's dad begs her to try a little harder. But how can she reach a guy who not only thinks she's a freak but deliberately keeps his distance? And what will happen when the spirits of local murder victims suddenly begin haunting her?

Book Details


  • Paranormal
  • Romance

Age Level: 

  • 12 and up
Profile Picture

Mia is a gifted teenager. But this is not any sort of typical talent, as she is able to communicate with the dead. Because of these powers, she is sent to a camp with others who are gifted just like her. Once there, she meets a boy named TC, and they become good friends. Together they do many things, including kiss and talk about their psychic abilities, which they refer to as their "sidekicks." They wish to stay together forever, but they have to continue on with their normal lives eventually.

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