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Read Until You Bleed | LitPick Book Reviews
Read Until You Bleed
Read Until You Bleed
Top Choice

A collection of thoughtful and funny poetry for thoughtful and funny children. Humorous, silly, and serious poems inspired by Dr. Seuss, Shel Silverstein, and Bruce Lansky, as well as Mister Rogers. This collection by the author of Cenzontle/Mockingbird: Songs of Empowerment and You Know What I'm Sayin'?, includes discussion questions and writing and creative prompts for independent reading or adult guidance or classroom or book club discussions. Includes black-and-white illustrations by the author's young son.

Middle-Grade (2nd--6th grade)
idioms, puns, alliteration, rhythm and rhyming
questions for discussion (self, parents, teachers, book clubs, etc.)
occasional writing or drawing prompts
great for bed-time or read-alouds
Some poems are translated by the author from English to Spanish for use in bilingual settings.

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Book Details


  • Poetry

Age Level: 

  • 8 - 12
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Author Daniel Garcia Ordaz recalls that his father would walk into a room, say something funny, and then exit the room. This made the author realize at a young age that laughter is always the best medicine no matter how hard a situation might be. This prompted him to write some of the poems included in this children’s book because his inspiration happened at a truly tragic time in his life.

“Poetry is a rhythmical piece of writing that leaves the reader feeling that life is a little richer than before, a little more full of wonder, beauty, or just plain delight,” said Aileen Lucia Fisher, a popular American author of over a hundred children's books. This quote has always been one of my favorites, as poems represent the rhythm of the human heart in the form of words. It very much relates to this book, 'Read Until You Bleed' by Daniel Garcia Ordaz.

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