Terri A. DeMitchell
The Second of the Olde Locke Beach Mysteries. Rachel and her friend Will are once again embroiled in a mystery. When their seacoast town is threatened for the second summer in a row by unknown burglars, they try to put together the clues left behind in strange puzzle pieces.

Book Details


  • Mystery

Age Level: 

  • 12 and up
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This book is the second in the Olde Locke Beach Mysteries series. It is about a young girl named Rachel and a young boy named Will. These two friends take care of houses while people are away. They water plants, take care of pets, and take in their mail. One summer a burglar named "Jigsaw" breaks into houses and takes all of the people's most prized and expensive possessions. He always seems to know when people are out of town, and he leaves behind jigsaw puzzle pieces as clues.

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