Book Details
- Fantasy
- Fiction
- Juvenile Fiction
- Science Fiction
Age Level:
- 12 and up
From the Publisher
Quotes from Interred:
‘I help Mom put away the dry dishes in silence. For one, I don't know if I can talk to her right now, and two, the vein in her forehead is about to give birth.'
'I need to think, to grasp everything that has been going on, and to push fear down my throat and into my stomach where it can camp until I'm taken away for Interment.'
Check out these comments from reviewers:
“Marilyn Almodovar's outstanding world building and awesome characters totally took me on an incredible adventure.”
I Heart YA Books
"I like that it's a clean book, which makes it appropriate for teens as well as adults to enjoy.”
Mandy Sickle
"This debut novel from Marilyn Almodovar was outstanding. This was a fresh and unique twist on the paranormal saga. A very refreshing change, Interred combined elements of the paranormal and the dystopian genres. It had passion, adventure, and suspense!"
Michelle Cornwell-Jordan, YA and NA author