The Hidden Lives of Taxi Drivers
The Hidden Lives of Taxi Drivers

What do we know about the real lives of taxi drivers? Or the “Ten Commandments of Saint Fiacre? Or the good rules for taxi drivers? Read about these and more in this funny, moving, informative book by prize-winning Old Bletchley author, Ruth Finnegan. 

You’ll discover where taxi drivers come from, what they think of their passengers, how much money they make or don’t make  – more than you might think for some  –  from luxurious holidays in Dubai hotels with all the family, to going home to India and helping on the family farm.

Read how those inconspicuous drivers you see in the front seat include a successful singer, an artist, Muslim scholar, town planner, devoted farmer, and post-doctoral nuclear physicist. Oh, and innumerable chefs, and parents, and football fans. And, almost always – you’ll have heard of immigrants’ work ethic – successful profession-attaining children who, they are determined, 'will not be a taxi-driver like me'. And, what they will say at the judgement seat, the gate to heaven. And much, much more. 

This book uncovers the hidden depths below simply urban living and then leads the reader into further inspiring knowledge about the 'real me' behind the taxi driver. Who would believe that an accurate, meticulous account of a down-to-earth subject like taxi drivers in Milton Keynes would lead into the deeper fathoms of the human soul and of what lies beyond. Your view of the familiar streets will be transformed!
The third volume of Ruth's Urban Trilogy - “Tales of the City”, “The Hidden Musicians”, and “The Hidden Lives of Taxi Drivers” - focusing on the City of Milton Keynes

DEDICATION: To the taxi drivers, and all those other immigrants, who have enriched our knowledge and our culture and day by day continue to do so ...

Book Details


  • Educational
  • Nonfiction

Age Level: 

  • Any Age
Profile Picture
Taxis are everywhere.  From the busy streets of New York City to suburbs in India, taxis are a common part of many people's lives. Often, taxis blend into the background of people's lives, but this book brings to light the unique stories behind taxi drivers and how taxis came to be. We start off learning about the history behind taxis and how they were created, as well as variations of the modern taxis we are used to seeing. Next, we learn about the life of taxi drivers and the unique people they talk to and places they see while on the job.
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