The Girl in the Mirror
The Girl in the Mirror: A Novel (Karen and Michael Braziller Books)
The Girl in the Mirror
Top Choice
An adopted teen's search for her birth mother is overshadowed by a wrenching loss, dramatically told through her poems and journals. Lizzie McLane, the adopted poet-heroine of the widely acclaimed The Secret of Me, is now a high school senior, excited about her future: meeting boys, college, and finally finding her birthmother. Then, on the day a letter from her adoption agency arrives, her adoptive father unexpectedly dies. Lizzie, lost in grief, turns to alcohol and the wrong kind of friends, and her life begins to spiral out of control. Loved ones try to help, but only in her poems and journals can Lizzie make sense of the hurt and her relentless curiosity about her birthmother.      I looked in the mirror . . .      Who was that girl staring      at me, blood on her blouse, black under her      swollen eyes? I don't know you, I said out loud.      I don't know you, she said back.The Girl in the Mirror is a story about love and identity―brave, vulnerable, and compelling.

Book Details


  • Poetry

Age Level: 

  • Mature Young Adult
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The Girl in the Mirror is about a girl named Lizzie. She is adopted and is searching for her birth parents. Something dramatic happens near the time she graduates; her adoptive father dies. She goes through a tough time, and she does not handle it well. She ends up hanging out with the wrong crowd and starts drinking.

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Lizzie McLane, schoolgirl, adoptee, and poet, is ready to head off to college. But, she is also not ready to stop searching for her birth mother....yet. But, on the day Lizzie finally has a breakthrough, her adoptive father dies, throwing her into a serious funk. Confused, and not sure where to turn, Lizzie gets mixed up with the wrong crowd. And with alcohol. Will Lizzie (and her poems) remain triumphant? Or will Lizzie dig herself a hole she can't get out of? Full of drama, twists, and turns, The Girl in the Mirror, is a must read.

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