The Family Greene
The Family Greene
The Family Greene
Ann Rinaldi
Cornelia Greene is fed up with gossip about her mother. Caty Littlefield Greene was once a beautiful young bride who lifted the troops’ spirits at Valley Forge, but Cornelia knows that rumors of Caty’s past indiscretions hurt Nathanael Greene, Cornelia’s adored father. Yet Caty claims that she’s just a flirt, and that flirting is a female necessity—a woman’s only means of power.Cornelia’s concern with her mother’s reputation abruptly fades to the background when she learns that Nathanael Greene may not be her father. As she searches for the truth, she makes unexpected discoveries that lead her to a new understanding of love and family.

Book Details


  • Historical Fiction

Age Level: 

  • 12 and up
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The Family Greene, by Ann Rinaldi, is a post-Revolutionary War book about the family of a well-known general who served second in command to George Washington. The two main characters are Caty Littlefield Greene and her daughter, Cornelia, whose stories are told in the two parts of the books. The book begins with Caty as she ventures out of her small world and into an exciting new life with her aunt, and then moves on to Cornelia, who is confused and upset after being confronted with the realization that she might not be her father's child.

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