Dave Conifer
Vice Principal Steve Lukather is desperate. Just like last year, an internet bully is terrorizing one of his students at Lakeland Middle School. Last time it ended badly when the victim was found with two slashed wrists after an attempted suicide. This year, after a series of nasty computer messages and an indiscreet photograph of Carly Gillette spread through the student body Lukather knows it's happening again. This time he's determined to stop the bully in his tracks before Gillette ends up reaching for a razor blade. Thirteen-year-old Scott Halifax has a juvy rap sheet that could peel wallpaper but he's just what Lukather needs -- a street-smart, tech-savvy kid with no roots. Lukather makes a deal with Halifax: go undercover as a student at Lakeland and nail the bully in return for a ticket out of the County Detention Center and a clean slate. Once he's in at Lakeland Halifax teams up with Tom Seidel, the nerdy kid that everyone loves to hate. It isn't long before Scott, Tom and Carly's best friend Lisa are working together. It takes a lot of hard work, some sly computer sleuthing and a little dumb luck before they expose the bully. And it's the last person that anybody would have suspected. eBully draws on recent headlines about cyber-bullying, including the need to update harassment and stalking laws to reflect new technologies.

Book Details


  • Mystery

Age Level: 

  • 12 and up
Profile Picture

eBully is a book about a girl who is being bullied online. Nobody knows who the bully is because it's all on the computer. This had happened before, and the victim had tried to kill herself. Now, the vice principal hires a juvenile delinquent to find out more about it. Even combined with the efforts of the victim's friends, will they find the culprit?

Profile Picture

Scott Halifax is a kid who knows the system. He never knew his parents, has been through four foster homes, and is now doing time at the County Youth Detention Center for shoplifting. Steve Lukather is a vice principle at Lakeland Middle School. One of his students tried to commit suicide after a horrific incident of internet bullying the previous year. Now, another student is a victim of an eBully and she appears to be going the same way. Lukather approaches Scott with a deal. Work undercover to find the bully and Lukather will clear Scotts juvenile record.

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