Blood Oath
Blood Oath: A Gabby Girls Adventure Novel, Book Two (Volume 2)
Blood Oath
Top Choice
Publication Date: January 13, 2014| Age Level: 8 -12 | Grade Level: 3 - 5 The battle against pure evil begins. Friendships are betrayed. Rivals bond...and powers collide.Gabrielle discovers that everything she has known to be true is a lie...just smoke and mirrors to disguise a deadly world filled with creatures with one goal--to kill.

Book Details


  • Adventure
  • Fantasy
  • Mystery
  • Paranormal

Age Level: 

  • 8 - 12

 Blood Oath is a story about Gabi and her friends. They are part of a group called Eternals and Elementi. This is not a regular group.This group keeps the normals (all of us) safe from the Banished (these are demons that want to rule the world). When Gabi heads off to the academy, she learns who she really is and the prophecy she is supposed to fulfill. Then her grandma falls sick. Will she fulfill the prophecy or save her grandma?  When her grandma asks her to take a daring risk will she be able to put all else aside to complete the task?

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In the book Blood Oath, T.L.

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