Believe in Me
Believe in Me: A Teen Mom's Story
Believe in Me
Judith Dickerman-Nelson
Believe in Me: A Teen Mom's Story traces the emotional journey of Judith, a cheerleader and honors student at a Catholic girls' school in Massachusetts. When her 17-year-old boyfriend, Kevin O'Brien, gives her a diamond ring the summer before her senior year, she feels as if her life is perfect. But her pregnancy changes everything. Kevin's parents don't want him to start a family at such a young age, and Mrs. O'Brien tells Judith to get an abortion. As a Catholic and an adopted child, Judith must look within her own heart and decide what to do. This beautifully written coming-of-age story will appeal to students of women's studies as well as teenagers and their parents and grandparents."Believe in Me is the honest and courageous story of 16-year-old Judith's transformation into a responsible young woman. Highly recommended reading for teens, parents, and educators."--Joyce Allan, R.N., author of Because I Love You

Book Details


  • Romance

Age Level: 

  • 12 and up
Profile Picture

Being a teenager in love is a wonderful thing; and if you have the bond that Judith and Kevin share, it's a beautiful thing. Even though they are in high school, Judith and Kevin know they want to someday get married and have children together. If they had the chance, they would get married right away, however their Catholic families and their Catholic school would not be happy with that decision. So for now, they are just engaged. But what happens when Judith becomes pregnant in her senior year of high school? Will she be able to finish high school on time?

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