Adam's Bubble
Adam's Bubble
Adam's Bubble
Alison A. Pockat
It was just another spring afternoon. Adam was alone and bored. Then he decided to try out some special bubbles that he had just gotten and everything changed. Shrunk to the size of an ant, he finds friends and excitement in his own back yard as he attempts to get back to his own size. Aided by a fungi - powdery mildew to be exact, an ant, a cricket and several others he finds out about a whole new aspect of life. Imagine getting to talk to the toad you played with last summer or visit a wood roach in his own home! In the process of getting him back to normal, the creatures of his back yard teach him about their lives and how they work to make a life, a home and incidentally a great soil for his garden.

Book Details


  • Science Fiction

Age Level: 

  • 12 and up
Profile Picture

Adam is a young boy who is very curious. When Adam plays with special bubbles, he finds that he has suddenly shrunk! Adam meets all kinds of interesting creatures such as fungi, toads, and ants. He learns more about other animals' lives by speaking to them. But how will Adam ever get back to his own size? Find out in Adam's Bubble by Alison A. Pockat.

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