Book Reviews by AKeen_FPB
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Brothers of War illustrates vividly the hardships of living in a Confederate prison camp during the American Civil War. Two brothers from a Union infantry in Kentucky are captured by the Rebels and fight for their survival while living in Andersonville Prison, one of the largest prison camps in the South. Simon, one of the brothers, realizes that an inmate of the camp has stolen his fife, his most prized possession, and Simon is more than determined to get it back.

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Scat, Carl Hiaasen's new children's novel is an invigorating story about a teacher at Truman Middle School who is suddenly missing on a trip to Black Vine Swamp even though she won't be missed by the students. However her students don't believe that she was called from her family emergency but rather Smoke, the class screw up is in on the plan. What will happen to the students at Truman? What will happen to the teacher, Mrs. Starch? Find out by reading this book.

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Georgia Amy Reeves is fifteen and fiesty. Desperate to see her favorite band in concert--she needs money. Things You Either Hate or Love is Georgia's story of bakery bread fights, the grocery checkout line, and finding the right boy. On her quest to see Natural Affinity she learns about being herself. The book is filled with lists that Georgia writes--random and sometimes funny, readers learn about Georgia as she discovers what she truly wants and needs.
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After being moved from her perfect, mortal life in CA, Pru
finds herself in Salem, surrounded by witches.  Her mother
sends her to a Agatha's, a private school just for witches,
so that Pru can learn magic.  Unfortunately, things just
don't work out that easily for her.  She gets landed in
remdial magic, which embarasses her as her younger brother
is already an expert in all things magical.  She makes the
cheerleading team, but her teammates don't seem to like her