Book Reviews by DayDay0926
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Planet Kerenza is under attack from the enemy BiTech! Most of the people are dead, but a good amount have lived. Take Kady Grant and Ezra Mason for example. Kady Grant ends her relationship with Ezra Mason just 3 hours before the attack in hopes that she never sees him again.

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In the book Words In Deep Blue, Rachel Sweetie (the main female character) placed a letter inside Henry Jones' (the main male character) book Prufrock and Other Observations.The letterĀ states her love for Henry who is her best friend. Then she placed the book in the letter library at Howling Books so that Henry can read it.

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In the story On Your Knees by Stephanie Perry Moore, the characters are faced with a school shooting and have to come face-to-face with the killer. The story involves details and reactions toward the shooting. This book relates to real life issues our society faces now. Moore not only placed herself in the characters' shoes when writing this, but she also placed the reader in the characters' shoes when reading it.

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In the book Life, Loss, and Lemonade, the main character, April, is faced with a variety of different issues that involve her family members and dearest friends. The first issue she encounters is her best friend moving somewhere far away from her. April doesn't want her best friend to leave her behind because she's been with her through thick and thin. Friendships are meant to last forever, right? April and her best friend eventually start to discuss future plans that involve them seeing each other again, but then death comes to them. Well technically, their grandmother.