Where The Truth Lies review by JHal
Where the Truth Lies
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Fiction

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 12
Reviewer's Location - Akron, OH, United States
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Emily Meckler's life is perfect. She has two wonderful parents, the ideal school, plenty of friends, and just about anything else a 17-year old girl could ever want. Unfortunately for her, the perfection does not last as Emily makes her way through this book. Soon, Emily finds everything is changing, both around and inside her, and completely out of her control. When Del Sugar, the cute new boy, enters the scene, will things work out between them? And what if Emily's perfect parents are holding onto a deep, dark secret, that, once uncovered could change everything? Through truth and lies, Jessica Warman's Where the Truth Lies uncovers the life of a teenage girl getting through rough times and tells us that sometimes it is better to lie.


In my opinion, Where the Truth Lies is an excellent and praiseworthy novel full of romance and fierce adventure. I liked this book a lot because of the all of the character's realistic speaking. The way they talk seems so real that it really helped me create an image of the story in my mind. Despite the realistic and exciting excerpts, I felt the book was sometimes a little slow to get to the point. Over all, this book is an entrancing read and will catch the interests of most young adults.


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