LitPick Review

Cassie has a special gift. She can see when someone is about to die because they get a special "glow" around them. She must decide to either tell them, therefore possibly saving them and not. If she tells the person that they are going to die and they save themselves them she is dooming someone else to death. In this book, Cassie meets a boy with a similar gift and they must work together to help people.
I thought The Vision by Jen Nadol was a very good book.It is actually the sequel to a book called Mark so it was a bit hard to get into not knowing what I was going on, but if you've read Mark then I'm sure that will all be clear. I thought it was a bit predictable; I mean girl see's boy she likes on first day of school and he instantly falls for her? Who wouldn't have guessed? Other than that I thought there was some originality.