The Twilight Gods review by KBand
The Twilight Gods
by Hayden Thorne
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Fiction

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 13
Reviewer's Location - Springfield, OH, United States
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London was a beautiful place in 1851. It attracted people near and far to see the Great Exhibition full of new inventions, and exotic treasures. Fifteen-year-old Norris discovered mysterious shadow folk among the crowds of people. His life was starting to bore him until a strange widow became a renter of one of his parent's vacant rooms. She slowly revealed the secrets of the shadow folk, and his connection to them. In the end, he is faced with a life-changing decision.


The characters were wonderfully drawn by Hayden Thorne. Her writing was very impressive, and she makes this story very captivating. The Twilight God's was a real page turner in the end. The story's characters were so real, I feel like I actually met the family. I recommend this book to YA readers who like a fun, supernatural history read.


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