The Summer of Moonlight Secrets review by KFCampbe
The Summer of Moonlight Secrets
by Danette Haworth
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Fiction
Five Star Award

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 12
Reviewer's Location - Fresno, CA, United States
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When Allie Jo's friend goes away for the summer, she doesn't expect to do much more than her usual. But when a guy named Chase comes to stay at the hotel everything starts to change. Soon she sees Chase getting tremendously hurt. Allie Jo meets a girl walking straight out of Hope Springs. Fate soon arrives and they all meet and become friends. Once Chase and Allie Jo know the girls, Taras, secret, can they keep it one; or will they ruin the secret and Tara's life?


The Summer of Moonlight Secrets is an enthralling, captivating book that you don't want to put down. It's a story about friendships, summers, first loves, and the importance of keeping the secrets entrusted into your care. At first the story frustrated me with the switching of characters every chapter, but then I realized that to hear the story from both Allie Jo's and Chase's side that this was the only way to hear it. I hope the readers will love this book for years to come.


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