Roland Wright review by MDG
Roland Wright: Future Knight
by Gregory Rogers, Tony Davis
Age Range - 5 - 8
Genre - Fantasy

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 12
Reviewer's Location - Ashton, PA, United States
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In Roland Wright, Future Knight you take a ten-year old armorer`s son and tell him he has the chance to become a knight.  Well this would make anyone happy, but especially this boy for he has dreamed about it his entire life.  But he must battle his older brother for the title in a contest he doesn`t know the rules of. As Roland Wright would say, Flaming catapults, this is a good book.


This may be because of me being above this books recommended age level but this book is boring.  With all of its 126 pages, I feel it doesn`t correctly portray medieval times and since it uses pictures, it fails to capture how the character looks through its words. Combined with all this it also overuses the phrase "Flaming catapults."  Still, it shows the viewpoint quite efficiently and I like it when it shows what happens through the white mouse`s eyes.  The details aren`t very descriptive but it gets the point across.  All-around a short book good for a very short read and little else.

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