Recruited review by RMN_IVMS
Recruited (Surviving Southside)
by Suzanne Weyn
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Fiction

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 15
Reviewer's Location - Baltimore, MD, United States
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Kadeem Jones is the star quarterback at southside. When he begins his senior season, he starts getting attention from college scouts. When Teller University, a top football program, recruits him, he gains attention from the cheerleaders and even gets money from a recruiter. Then he slips up and tells a rival recruiter of his times at Teller. It turns out those good times were actually violations. So now Kadeem has to chose between helping an NCAA investigation or playing at Teller.


This book was a great book; it shows what happens today in major college sports.The main character in this book has to make an important decision: whether to tell the truth or not, to go play at Teller with all the illegal benefits, to risk not getting to play at all. I believe the author used appropriate language and achieved her purpose, showing how the difficult choices are sometimes the better. I think this book was similar to the other sports books I have read. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes to read sports books.



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