Ranger's Apprentice - The Emperor of Nihon-Ja...
The Emperor of Nihon-Ja: Book 10 (Ranger's Apprentice)
by John Flanagan
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Fantasy
Five Star Award

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 12
Reviewer's Location - Uxbridge, MA, United States
View NBru's profile

In the beginning of the book, The Emperor of Nihon-Ja, you find yourself in Nihon-Ja with Horace. Horace ends up being in a revolt against Emperor Shigeru, who is the Emperor of Nihon-Ja. Will, Halt, Alyss, and Evanlyn have to come to his aide. They end up having to train the Kikori as soldiers against an almost invisible force known as the Senshi. The odds are against them but will they still win? Read this truly amazing book to find out.


In the beginning you know that you are reading a book like no other. John Flanangan's writings take you away to a world that you can only dream about. He closes the series with a book sure to be read over and over again. Any 12-100 year old will instantly fall in love with it. His writing is going to leave you wanting for more. I have read all of his books and although they are all great, this one is by far, the best!


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