The Owl Keeper review by KWilli
The Owl Keeper
by Maggie Kneen, Christine Brodien-Jones
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Fantasy

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 12
Reviewer's Location - Mineola, TX, United States
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The Owl Keeper is a very good page turning book. It is about a young boy named Maxwell Unger, and his amazing adventure. Max has always been told that he was allergic to the sun and has never been outside during the day. However, he loves the night. Every night he goes outside to meet his, supposed to be extinct, silver owl. When Max meets a mysterious girl named Rose, he discovers things about his world that change him forever. Now to stop a crazed government, Max and Rose must find the Owl Keeper, and keep the darkness from taking over.


The Owl Keeper did keep me on my toes. I enjoyed reading every minute of it, and I absolutely enjoyed the characters. The beginning started out a little slow, but picked up speed the moment Max meets Rose! I loved the journey that Max and Rose go on and it just really kept me turning the page. The writing style was very good and I understood what was going on at all times. The ending, kind of left me hanging but I really did enjoy the book.



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