LitPick Review

"The Lock Artist" by Steve Hamilton, is about a young man who has a talent for opening locks. Our boy Michael uses this as therapy for a troubled past. Ironically, this talent leads to a less than promising future of breaking and entering, robbery, and accessory to murder. In his first step toward this life of crime, he meets the love of his life Amelia. She completes him and helps him get over his past. Now they just wrestle the future.
Wow this book is amazing! Yet it leaves me so conflicted. The plot and story are impeccable, and the pages will keep turning until the end. Especially deserving a thumb up are the parallel story lines of past and present that meet up near the end. That took some serious time and dedication and the author,Steve Hamilton, definitely garners praise for this accomplishment. But, after all that praise, find myself wondering about whether or not this book couldn't have been a bit cleaner. For instance, the language just seemed a bit over the top to me. And furthermore, there is a certain scene that wasn't exactly young adult rated; or certain scenes depending on your view of the matter. This book is definitely not for the faint of heart and I wouldn't recommend this book to anyone. No matter how good the plot and ending were I cannot put a green light on this one. As a matter of fact, I'd red flag it.