Juliet Immortal review by MPark
Juliet Immortal
by Stacey Jay
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Fantasy

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 14
Reviewer's Location - Northglenn, CO, United States
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Everyone thinks that Juliet died. They are wrong. She didnt kill herself, Romeo did. He killed her because he wanted to become immortal. And by doing this he became a spirit that took bodies that were dead and tried to break up true loves. What he didnt expect is that Juliet would become an agent for the Ambassadors of Life. Her job is to keep true loves together. For seven hundred years, Juliet has been doing her job and Romeo his, until they dont. They could become human again if they fell in love again, but Juliet has fallen for another and Romeo will do everything to stop them.


This book was okay. You could really understand Juliets point and also Romeos. I loved the concept for this book at the beginning but as the story continued on, it got boring. Almost all the characters were perfectly developed. I would recommend this book to people who liked Falling Under and Eden.



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