Invisible Things review by HPi_HHS
Invisible Things
by Jenny Davidson
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Fiction

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 12
Reviewer's Location - Loves Park, IL, United States
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The second book in this series starts the main character Sophie catching cats that are used in science experiments at the Institute for Theoretical Physics. From there the book gets even more bizarre. Sophie and her friend Mikael's family live in flats at this Institute where some of Europe's greatest scientists meet. In this alternate society Germany has taken over much of Europe except for most for the countries near the Baltic and Northern Seas. Sophie learns much about her parents and the tragic explosion that took their lives and, after her great-aunts death, she learns even more why their family is so connected to the elusive billionaire Alfred Nobel. Soon after her great-aunt's death Sophie's life begins to unravel as she discovers close kept secrets about the family she never knew about. Along the way she travels to Sweden and inside the Arctic Circle as she discovers herself and what really matters in her life.


In my opinion this book was mediocre at best. Since I didn't know this book was the second one in the series the parts in this book about the previous book were a little confusing. The author also used many words that I never heard of and the way the characters spoke was different then I was used to. The plot was interesting at times but could get confusing at certain parts. If you were to read this book definitely read the first one first.



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