HERE (YA Paranormal Romance) (Here Trilogy) revie...
Here (YA Romance)
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Paranormal

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 15
Reviewer's Location - Sharpsville, IN, United States
View ASny1011's profile
Strange, mysterious and captivating are all words I would
use to describe the story Here. In Here Milo is like any
other girl with good friends and nice clothes. Milo lives on
a large wind farm in Colorado and has just recently taken
over her dead fathers deer tracking project. All alone in
her cold tree stand is when she met him. Within a matter of
minutes he turns Milos world upside down. And when Milos
life has been spun a complete 360, others around her get
spun out of control too. In the middle of it all though,
Milo still carries that feeling that there's something
that he isn't telling her and that there's something she
ought to tell him. 


I really enjoyed Here a lot more than
I thought I would. As soon as I started it I got sucked in
and didn't want to put it down. The mystery was excellent
and kept me entertained the entire way through. In my
opinion the ending was a little disappointing but satisfied
me enough to be done with the book. I think the characters
were very realistic and well-developed along with the plot.
Overall, I was very happy with my choice and would like to
see more published works from this author in the future.
Content Rating:

Content rating - some mature content

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