The Hard Kind of Promise review by SMurph
The Hard Kind of Promise
by Gina Willner-Pardo
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Fiction

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 15
Reviewer's Location - Baltimore, MD, United States
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The Hard Kind of Promise by Gina Willner-Pardo is about a girl Sarah who promises to be best friends forever with Marjorie. The only problem is that she promised this when they were young and now Sarah and Marjorie like different things. Sarah tries her best to be friends with Marjorie, but they are just to different. Will she be able to keep her promise? This is a story about friendship and how hard it can be.


The Hard Kind of Promise by Gina Willner-Pardo was not one of the best books I have read. I found it hard to keep reading because there was nothing to draw you into the mood of the book. The plot was not very good. Willner-Pardo's writing style did not draw the reader in or make you feel a strong connection with how the charcters felt. This is a book I would definitely not recommend to anyone.



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