Fat Camp review by KKoe
Fat Camp
by Deborah Blumenthal
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Fiction

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 11
Reviewer's Location - Villa Hills, KY, United States
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Camp.. One of the many things kids enjoy during the summer. But not for Cam. Her camp consists of nutrition classes and mini sized portions of food. Yes, a fat camp which her obsessed workout parents made her go to. She and her best friend, Evie, are separated and are forced to go to different camps. Now, she has to sleep in a room full of girls who only talk about food and how "fat" they are. She thinks it is all down hill from here but to her luck it's not. She meets a boy, Jesse, who she falls head over heals for. Now she has to juggle the love of her dreams, mailing her best friend, and dealing with the other girls at camp. Can she do it all and lose weight before the end of the summer?


At first, I was kind of bored of the book. In the beginning it only talks about her love of food and the 'hot' waiter. I thought it was going to be another book where girl goes to camp, makes friends, loses weight and looks amazing. Well, I was wrong. Yes, that does happen but it is more in-depth than I thought. After chapter 3 or 4, I really got into it. You see a girl dealing with social and emotional issues that many teenagers are facing today. At the camp, there are other girls who are also going through health issues such as bulimia and depression. Deborah Blumenthal did an amazing job of slowly breaking Cam out of her shell. The ending was somewhat of a surprise. I kind of knew what was coming but there was more that I would have ever guessed. Overall, I thought it was an astounding book.


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Content rating - some mature content

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Eating disorders and depression

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