The Dream Maker in the Desert review by MBus_RPEMS
The Dream Maker in the Desert
by Marie Krushing
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Adventure

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 14
Reviewer's Location - Baltimore, MD, United States
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Emmet Watts is a lonely teenage kid who has no friends and 
when he miraculously does make one they are shunned by the 
rest of the school and leave Emmet who everyone thinks of 
as a freak.  He has been bullied constantly his whole time 
at school for being a "freak" but Emmet doesn't know why 
people feel this way since he as always tried to 
act "normal" to try to fit in. After another day of this 
sort of torture at school he gets attacked by an evil 
little man named Braedan. Luckily Emmet is saved by a 
group of people who say they are part of the Society, that 
fight people like Braedan who they call the Dark Ones. 
Emmet is taken by the people of the Society and comes to 
realize he plays a bigger part in the fight against the 
Dark Ones that anyone could possibly imagine, while making 
a new life as part of the Society.


The book was okay. Wasn't the best book I've read but the 
last half was better. The storyline started slow but once 
you got to the middle things picked up when the actual 
battle with Braedan and his minions started. This would be 
a book that someone should make a movie out of because it 
has the right amount of different elements like action and 
romance. The author could have improved the story mostly 
by making it shorter and maybe chopping a few things in 
the first half out where nothing that important to the 
plot was happening. All in all it was a good book to read 
that I would read again and would most definitely read the 
sequels to find out what happens to all the characters in 
their next adventures.
Content Rating:

Content rating - nothing offensive

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