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Brooklyn, Burning review by ABatem | LitPick Book Reviews
Brooklyn, Burning review by ABatem
Brooklyn, Burning
by Steve Brezenoff
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Fiction

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 14
Reviewer's Location - Lederach, PA, United States
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Brooklyn, Burning is about a street kid trying to fit in and create an identity for him/herself. Kid is just a teenager who has a love of the music and the soul of Brooklyn, but that is what seems to separate his/her father from him/her. When his/her father kicks his out of his home, Kid sleeps, hopes, and plays the drums anywhere he can find a friend. Another plot comes twisting into the story when Kid is found a likely suspect of burning down the historic warehouse, where he has been living for the past few weeks. In this story of survival, forgiveness, punk rock and love, the city of Brooklyn will be calling you home by the end.


In this book about a street kid trying to find his/her own life, it shows the power and force of dreams and love. Brezenoffs book reveals some harsher city moments, but also the hope that is sparked deep within those times. This book truly transforms the image of Brooklyn and its streets. I was a little confused with who Kid actually was, because it never completely said whether kid was a boy or girl. I understand that this may be intentional, but it bothered me because I couldn't fully relate to the character without completely knowing Kid. I thought that this was a great book, and it had a good fictional twist to the truth of the warehouse burning.



Content Rating:

Content rating - some mature content

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