The Bloomswell Diaries review by AYay_RPEMS
The Bloomswell Diaries
by Louis L. Buitendag
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Mystery
Five Star Award

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 11
Reviewer's Location - Baltimore, MD, United States
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Ben is a 10 year old boy who lives in London, England. When Ben's parents leave because of an important business trip, Ben goes to live with his uncle in New York City. When both his parents and uncle disappear, Ben is faced with a problem. He must go and find his sister in Switzerland. But how does he get from New York to Switzerland, and how does he deal with the people who are attacking him all along the way? His parents are trying to do something dangerous that some people dont like. These people decide to take their anger out on Ben. How can Ben possibly make it to Switzerland and figure out what his parents are up to?


I loved The Bloomswell Diaries because it was a very adventurous book. I enjoyed how it was unpredictable and funny. There was also a touch of mystery involved; it was like a puzzle, you never knew the full picture until you placed the last puzzle piece. If youre one for mystery, adventure, and humor, this book is for you.


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