After Obsession review by SBli1011_Tucson
After Obsession
by Steven E. Wedel, Carrie Jones
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Fantasy
Five Star Award

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 14
Reviewer's Location - Tucson, AZ, United States
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A boy named Alan is forced to move from his home town in Oklahoma to Maine to live with his aunt and his cousin, Courtney. Courtney had just lost her father in a boating accident. Alan meets Courtney's best friend Aimee and they immediately connect in a way that is indescribable. They both have special powers that in the long run will save all of their town and Courtney's life. They start having feelings for each other and both struggle to keep them under wraps. Aimee just broke up with her boyfriend a little after Alan arrives so she doesn't want to immediately start another relationship, because he is acting strange in a bad way. In fact the whole town is acting strange. It turns out that many many years ago a brave hero trapped a dragon in the lake. Every decade he tries to take over someone's body, to live and spread his hate. It has taken over Courtney, and Alan and Aimee must work together to get it out of her before it completely takes over, if it does there's no way out.


I loved this book, it's one that you just can't put down. I would recommend this book to anyone older than 14. Because of some language and terms used it isn't suitable for anyone younger. Carrie Jones & Steven Wedel are an amazing team. They make you feel like you're right beside Alan and Aimee through all the ups and downs. Their detail is amazingly good and it blew me away. The thing I loved most about the book was the character Alan. He is kind and gentle, but has a hidden strength that makes him a reliable person. His relationship with Aimee is insanely realistic. The other interesting part about the book is that one paragraph is written through Alan's eyes and the next is through Aimee's eyes. So the chapters switch back and forth between Alan and Aimee and is a new and enjoyable twist to the story. I give this book two thumbs up!



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