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Rose Grey and Pirates, Nymphs, and A Smoking Monkey | LitPick Book Reviews
Rose Grey and Pirates, Nymphs, and A Smoking Monkey
Rose Grey and Pirates, Nymphs, and A Smoking Monkey

On an uncharted island in the Bermuda Triangle, Rose and her immortal nymph sisters, Reeva, a bibliophile; Zoe, a mistake-a-holic; and Chloe, a pompous-patootie, live secretly in a hideaway called the Shallows.

However, Rose’s life is about to change when the sisters unanimously decide to stop trying to fix her problems, or at least attempting to. Rose falls to pieces over this news and decides to embark on a journey that will take her far from the safety of her quiet life in the shallows. The cursed nymph and a magical elf friend unexpectedly find themselves swept up into a world of swashbuckling pirates and faced with outsmarting the most unusual of scallywags—a monkey who smokes cigars.

But danger lurks at every turn. Plus pirates aren’t the only ones after Rose. With wit and courage, she must unravel the secret to her curse to survive, or she’ll never know her true destiny.

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Book Details


  • Adventure
  • Fantasy
  • Fiction

Age Level: 

  • 12 and up
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