The Hipster's Legacy - A Story about a Family
The Hipster's Legacy - A Story about a Family

The coming of age of a late bloomer and quiet dreamer set in a small beach town community of southern California during the early 1960s. 

Born into a musical family and raised on dreams of fame and glory, twenty-two-year-old Lorraine is finding it tough going on her own when she moves to Hollywood. Finally accepting defeat, she takes the twenty-mile ride back home. But home isn’t quite the same at 230 Culper Court.

Lorraine’s life takes a different turn as she learns to fit in with her newly re-arranged family and their quirky friends, of exotic oddballs, hapless misfits, and the flotsam and jetsam of strange and talented people who pass through the little red cottage by the sea.

An intriguing and often humorous memoir of a unique family influenced by a hard working mother who just missed being a saint and a father, the wild jazz pianist and entertainer known as Harry the Hipster whose amazing abilities and crazy style influenced the evolution of Rock and Roll.

Book Details


  • Nonfiction

Age Level: 

  • Adult
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