LitPick Review

Soren and his division of owls are from Ga'Hoole and are being sent on a very important mission. If they fail this mission then many owls in the world could perish at the hands (or talons) of the Pure Ones. Soren splits his team up for the mission, they all go to different places in the Northern Kingdom to ask for help from the groups of owls there that could help them fight the Pure Ones. The Pure Ones are dangerous owls who if became powerful enough could destroy owls at their will. This is because the Pure Ones have flecks, which is a substance that if used properly could scramble an owls mind and eventually kill it. Soren must gather the recruitments up in time so that they can overpower the Pure Ones.
The Burning is similar to the Redwall series but not as long or as well-articulated. In this book there were too many made up words and too many characters. I found that I needed to constantly look in the back of the book where characters and their descriptions were listed in order to keep up with the story. This became annoying and distracting. Soren was described very well as others were, this made them more familiar and likable. This book in general would appeal to a younger audience.