LitPick Review

In a ruined post-apocalyptic world, seventeen-year old Juliette is locked in a mental asylum. Her ailment? Anyone she touches gets a surge of intense pain. She has been locked in a dreary, monotonous cycle in the colorless world of her prison. That is, until a strange boy is sent to be her new roommate and changes everything.
The beginning of Shatter Me read like a journal, with crossed-out portions and Juliette's staccato thoughts. As the story progresses, the book turns more into a sci-fi romance adventure I didn't see coming. The writing is very unique. Mafi uses a slew of metaphors to bring her heroine's unique viewpoint to life. Although I did like this book (and couldn't put it down at points), it got a bit too fanciful for me at points. I really enjoyed the fast-paced plot and adventure, but the story lacks when it slows down for make-out scenes, more overdone then Twilight, full of fondling and pulling of clothes. There are just too many cheesy romantic scenes that just got tedious and lengthy (read Hush; Hush for a romance with a touch more class) and pretty unrealistic. However, if you just sort of skim the steamy scenes, you actually get a pretty suspenseful story. The development of Juliette's character is very believable, as well as her internal struggles. The end clearly leaves room for a sequel, which I will await with the hope for classier kisses and more chases. Overall, I would recommend this book to people fans of Twilight and paranormal romance.