Shifting review by KThom
by Bethany Wiggins
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Fiction
Five Star Award

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 16
Reviewer's Location - Brownsburg, IN, United States
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Maggie Mae is almost eighteen and she can't wait to be out of foster care; she's been bounced from house to house since she was five-years-old and her family died. Since she turned sixteen, Maggie Mae has had a serious secret that she hasn't told anyone: she is a shape shifter. Now she is living in Silver City, New Mexico with her last foster parent, Mrs. Carpenter, and is trying desperately to fit in and graduate. Dating Bridger O'Connell seems like a good start, but then Maggie Mae realizes she is being hunted because of her secret and she doesn't know how many people, including herself, will be hurt before the chase is over.


This book was really good! I loved Maggie Mae's character and felt that I could relate to some of her problems. The story line was original and I was happy that Bethany Wiggins did not write a cookie- cutter romance novel. I appreciated how Wiggins threw in some legends from the Navajo culture and related them into the lives of the characters. Overall, this book was really good and I would recommend it to pretty much everyone.


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Content rating - nothing offensive

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