Path of the Sun review by SSOls0411
Path of the Sun (Dhulyn and Parno)
by Violette Malan
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Fantasy

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 16
Reviewer's Location - Memphis, TN, United States
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The Path of the Sun, by Violette Malen, is a story in which Parno and Dhulyn, the main characters, failed to succeed in a previous mission to protect a person of high regard. However, a senior brother, Gustof Ironhand of the Mercenary Brotherhood, grants them a second chance. Parno and Dhulyn are assigned to be the escorts of the two Arderon Princesses, Cleona and Alaria. The princesses are on their way to Alarias wedding. On their journey, Princess Alarias body is found mutilated as if by ritual. They decide to track her killer into the Path of the Sun, which is a completely different world from theirs and apparently very dangerous. As a sort of maze, it proves to be the hardest mission they have ever been assigned. As mercenaries, they combine their skills to find their way to its core. While there, they also search for a couple of the lost brothers, finding many secrets hidden, as well. Finding the princesses killer and their long lost brothers, they take their discoveries back to Gustof Ironhand and receive full honors. 


I thought this book was very entertaining. It was totally different from all other books Ive ever read. Though a little confusing, I feel like this book is a good read for a variety of ages. I wish that the author would have introduced the characters a bit better in the beginning. However, once the story began unfolding, everything just seemed to fall into place. This is a really good fiction book, in which the author, Violette Malen, created a story with depth and creativity. I felt a sense of realness as I followed Parno and Dhulyn through their adventures.


Content Rating:

Content rating - some mature content

Explain your content rating: 

it's kind of' violent.

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