Well of Sorrows review by ALen_Hopkins493
Well of Sorrows
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Fantasy

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 15
Reviewer's Location - Dorr , MI, United States
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Colin Harten and the rest of the community from Lean-To have escaped the feud of Andover to the promising New World. The feud however, has not spread from their old homeland but has tainted their civilization. Colin and the rest of Lean-To will have to flee to the plains and attempt to start a new settlement if they are to escape the tyranny of the cruel Propieter. The trip will take almost everything away form Colin as well as change his life forever. He must ultimately learn to use the new abilities that The Well has given him if he is to save the New World from an army that will wipe out everyone.


To be honest the book started off very slow and I had my doubts about it. However having said that, I think that it was very clever the way Mr. Tate used the colonization of North America as a background for the story. I liked the way that he incorporated the three races that live in the New World, it helped add to the growing tension that was present throughout the book. I also really liked the use of the omniscient point of view it not only presented an inside view of his characters heads but it showed their feelings as well. I liked this book a lot, it really was well-writen and had a mysterious effect that kept me on the edge of my seat for days wondering how he would finish it.


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