The Vespertine review by KFCampbe
The Vespertine
by Saundra Mitchell
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Fantasy

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 12
Reviewer's Location - Fresno, CA, United States
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It's 1889, and Amelia van den Broek is shipped off to her cousin's house in hopes of finding a worthy match. While there, she meets a charming young man named Nathaniel who steals her heart. Trying to hide her forbidden romance, she spends the rest of her time with her cousin's daughter, who soon becomes her best friend. One day, Amelia finds out something new about herself; she can see into the future. The word about her visions soon gets around, and she is in demand from all sorts of people. But will her visions bring her happiness and friendships, or will they only bring her to her demise?


Saundra Mitchell has put together a wonderful story in one of the best time periods ever. This book holds suspense, romance, friendships, and betrayals on every page. She did a really good job of telling Amelia's story, but it could have been done a bit better. The flash- forward parts of the book are nice, but at times, they are a bit confusing. Other than that, it is a book I would definitely recommend to ages 13 and up.

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