What Can't Wait review by DMorr
What Can't Wait (Carolrhoda Ya)
by Ashley Hope Perez
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Fiction
Five Star Award

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 16
Reviewer's Location - Leverett, MA, United States
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Marisa (pronounced MarisAH not dropped flat at the end: MarisUH) is stuck between a rock and a hard place. When she is at school, her teachers encourage her to do better. She is a senior in high school, and honor role student, she should be applying to college. And not just U of H, either, Marisa has a chance to get into UT Austin. However, Marisa's home life could not be more different. Her alcoholic father cannot seem to leave his Mexican childhood behind. Marisa does not have to get good grades as long as she graduates from high school. College? Totally unnecessary. All she has to do is work, give him the money, and take care of her young niece when her sister is at work to take care of her permanently injured husband. When does Marisa have time for herself? Also, what can(t) wait?


This book was thoroughly enjoyable. It covers issues that hit close to the youth of today including parental influences and multicultural conflicts. Marisa is a real character who is easy to connect to. Perez wove a wonderful story about an extraordinary girl whom the average teen can sympathize with. It is a fun and engaging read.


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Content rating - nothing offensive

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