Shooting Kabul review by JCarls
Shooting Kabul
by N. H. Senzai
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Historical Fiction

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 18
Reviewer's Location - Provo, UT , United States
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In N.H. Senzai's debut novel, we see a flash of what it would be like to be a Muslim family in the U.S. during 9- 11. Fadi, now entering middle school, has to deal with bullies, honor, and the guilt of knowing that it was his fault that his baby sister was left behind in their escape from the Middle East. Will Fadi, with the help of his new friends and teacher, be able to find and rescue her from a country torn by war on the other side of the globe? This book takes us through issues that are still prominent today. With many people, the Middle East is a hot subject. Senzai explains points of interest in Middle East history and politics from the experiences of this twelve year old boy.


This story gave me a new perspective of looking through someone else's eyes on events that I myself witnessed. This flashback style plotline jumps around a little, but gives the book the feeling of a photo album of Fadi's life during this trying period. This wasn't the first book I've read on the Middle East, but it is the first book I've read pertaining to these modern day issues. It helped me understand that just because someone is of a certain religion, it doesn't mean that they agree with radicals who believe that Americans need to die. I enjoyed the book immensely and would recommend it to anyone ten years and up!


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