Doppelgangster review by NP_NSOrange
Doppelgangster (Esther Diamond Novel)
by Laura Resnick
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Fantasy

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 13
Reviewer's Location - Pepper Pike, OH, United States
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Esther Diamond is an actress in Manhattan. She is friends with a mafia hit man named Lucky. Also shes friends with a scientist. All around the city people's exact look-a-likes (or doppelgangers) are popping up everywhere. All of the people who see their look-a-likes die. Esther and her friends work hard to find out who is summoning these look-a-likes.


Dopplegangster by Laura Resnick is the type of book that you can't put down. It is also a very abnormal book, putting a hardened mafia hit man, a charming actress, and a genius scientist together. Overall, I liked this book. There were some flaws, however. The beginning is very slow; it has a very long exposition to prepare you for the middle and end of the book. I found this very boring. The storyline is hard to follow, too, considering there are three main characters, and it is hard to sort out who is doing what. Some parts could be improved. However, there were some aspects of this book that I liked.

I liked how the author blends characters together. For instance, the three main characters include a young actress who has charm, an Italian mafia hit man who has brawn and power, and a scientist who is intelligent. When these three team up they fulfill each others weaknesses and are unstoppable. Another aspect I liked was the author's choice of words. She often used words like enormous to describe something big or minute to describe something small, planting an exaggerated idea in the readers mind. I also noticed a pattern in the chapters, too. She concluded them with a dramatic ending. After that she started the next one with the answer or solution to that ending. Then, the action or suspense faded but the dramatic ending came again. This pattern keeps the reader hooked and focused on the book, which is a very good thing. I strongly recommend Doppelganster to all teenagers if they want a fun and abstract reading experience.



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